
Music Lessons
For All Levels


You’ll embark on an exciting journey to explore the world of music. These initial sessions will focus on building a strong foundation, starting with the basics of musical notation and rhythm.


You’ll delve deeper into the intricacies of music theory, refining your technical skills and focus on advanced techniques specific to your instrument.


You’ll embark on a profound exploration of musical artistry, pushing the boundaries of your technical prowess and interpretive skills. These lessons are designed to refine your understanding of intricate musical nuances.

Our Packages Are
Tailored To Suit You

No registration Fee. All cancellations must be 24 hours before the lessons. Freezing is available for Summer Holidays


4 Classes

A once-per-week package available in 30 minute or 50 minute time slots.

1 permitted cancellation

30 Min

630 AED

50 Min

840 AED



12 Classes

A once-per-week package available in 30 minute or 50 minute time slots.

2 permitted cancellations
1 week available for freezing

30 Min

1890 1795,5 AED

50 Min

2520 2394 AED



24 Classes

A once-per-week package available in 30 minute or 50 minute time slots.

4 permitted cancellations
2 weeks available for freezing

30 Min

3780 3402AED

50 Min

5040 4536 AED



36 Classes

Twice-per-week package available in 30 minute or 50 minute time slots.

4 permitted cancellations
2 weeks available for freezing

30 Min

5760 4819,5 AED

50 Min

7560 6426 AED


48 Classes

Twice-per-week package available in 30 minute or 50 minute time slots.

6 permitted cancellations
3 weeks available for freezing

30 Min

7560 6048 AED

50 Min

10080 8064 AED

Still not clear?

Enroll Today

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.
Contact Information
Course information
Aditional Information